Name : Rikazz Qalby Muntasyee Bin Muhamad Rizal
DOB : 11 jAn 09
Just follow the steps below and you could grab one of the wonderful prizes.
Get a photo of your baby with his/her milk bottle -done-
Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby with BOTTLE Contest -done-
Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth. -done-
Write about the MILK BOTTLE in the picture.
oK LAH..susu botol kat atas tu adalah EBM atau express breast milk..Aku telah mengambil keputusan untuk menyajikan Rikazz dengan susu badan yang ku perah dengan bertungkus lumus.Dari rikazz tak pandai nak minum kat botol sampai lah skang..Dia dah pandai pegang botol sendiri..
Write your opinion on how to safely feed your baby using a BOTTLE.
Sebenarnya aku tak pernah bagi Rikazz minum dengan susu botol.Sebabnya waktu aku bersama rikazz aku terus Bf direct kat Rikaz..Tapi untuk memastikan keselamatan bayi..kita kena pantau bayi sewaktu dia minum.Bukannya membiarkan bayi berseorangan ketika minum.Dikhuatiri bayi akan tersedak seterusnya mengganggu pernafasan mereka dan membahayakan keadaan bayi.Oleh itu..pemilihan puting botol amat penting.Hal ini kerana..kita perlu menggunakan puting yang bersesuaian dengan usia bayi kita.Untuk bayi yang masih kecil yang masih di peringkat menyesuaikan diri..adalah penting untuk kita menggunakan puting yang kecil saiz lubangnya.Kalau besar..bayi tersebut tidak dapat mengawal pengaliran susu yang laju dan boleh menyebabkan chocking..
Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.
Leave a comment here with link to your blog post
Here are the links that must be included in your blog entry.
MomBloggersPlanet contest page : http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/1448/cutest-baby-photo-contest-september-09/PhotoBookMalaysia : http://www.photobook.com.my/AliceWonders : http://www.alicewonders.com/
Leave a comment here with link to your blog post
That’s all. Easy!
Terms & Condition
This contest is opened to Malaysian babies 0-3 years old at the time of entry.
Picture should be current or less than 1 year difference from the actual age of baby.
You can post many pictures in one entry but should not compile them together. Please post each picture separately to make judging easy.
Entry must be submitted by a parent, legal guardian or close relatives (can enter for child, sibbling or cousin).
Entry can be in Bahasa Malaysia or English.
Contest starts from 1st to 15th September 2009
By participating, you expressly consent for your particulars, entries and photos to be posted on MomBloggersPlanet.com.
The Grand Prize and First Prize winners will be automatically qualified for the 2009 Cutest Baby of the Planet contest.
MomBloggersPlanet will select the winners
AliceWonders and PhotoBook Malaysia will handle the prizes delivery to Malaysian address for free. Any delivery outside of Malaysia would have to be chargeable.
Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained
Winners will be announced on MomBloggersPlanet.com and also will be contacted via email.
MomBloggersPlanet.com reserves the rights to change, amend, delete or add on to these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to you and shall become effective on such date as determine by us. You agree to be bound by such amendments.
MomBloggersPlanet.com reserves the right to cancel the contest at any stage, if deemed necessary in our opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of our control
semoga diterimalah entry saya ni
aku terima nikahnya si polan binti si polan..
kata terima kn?..
uiks..lain tuh
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