Hallu kawan kawan semua..Rikazz memang ada faveret toy so rikazz nak join lah cutest baby contest ni..tak pernah pun join ni..cute tak rikazz?Sememangnya permainan amat penting untuk perkembangan psikologi n psikomotor anak-anak.Jadi seawal satu bulan aku sudah pun membeli toy untuk putera sulungku.Aku ingin mindanya berkembang luas dan dia dapat menggunakan deria nya untuk meneroka alam barunya ini.Di kesempatan ini..aku join contest yang bg ku dapat memberi idea kepada ibu ibu diluar sana..
Just follow the steps below and you could grab one of the wonderful prizes.
Get a photo of your baby with his/her favorite toys
sudah..ada 3 tu
Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby with TOYS Contest
sudah..ni lah dia
Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth.
Name : Rikazz Qalby Muntasyee b Muhamad Rizal
DOB : 11 January 2009
Write about the TOYS in the picture.
Rikazz punya faveret toy tu keluaran LAMAZE.berwarna merah..dibeli di MYBBSTORE masa rikazz berusia 2bulan lebih.Rikazz sendiri yang pilih toy tersebut.Aku tayang satu satu toy tu tapi yang membuatkan kepala rikazz terpusing toy tu lah.so aku beli toy tu.Pergi mana mana pun Rikazz bawak.Dalam banyak banyak toy dia akan main yang itu.Kami bagi nama RUSERKANGGARU.sbb rupanya macam rusa tapi kanggaroo..Nama yang diberikan oleh LAMAZE tu SALLY N SANDY..nampak mcm girlish so tuko nama lah sbb rikazz boy.Struktur toy tu yang lembut dan mempunyai rattle serta satu bahagian kain yang berbunyi sekiranya dipegang membuatkan aku memilih untuk rikazz.Sebab..toy itu ada 3 in 1 function.Kain yang lembut amat sesuai untuk bayi yang baru belajar memegang..tak bahaya..rattle di ekor boleh digunakan untuk rikazz punya teething sekarang.Kain tu pulak membantu menajamkan daya pendengaran dan sentuhan rikazz..
Write your opinion about the usage of TOYS in early childhood learning
Bayi dan kanak kanak tak belajar macam kita orang dewasa.mereka belajar secara bermain.Setiap permainan tu akan dapat membantu meningkatkan keupayaan mereka berfikir dan meningkatkan lagi imaginasi mereka.Melalui sentuhan..warna dan bunyi dapat merangsang deria mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan persekitaran.Permainan juga menceriakan lagi kehidupan anak anak.
Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.
Leave a comment here with link to your blog post
Here are the links that must be included in your blog entry.
MomBloggersPlanet contest page : http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/1312/cutest-baby-photo-contest-august-09/PhotoBookMalaysia : http://www.photobook.com.my/AliceWonders : http://www.alicewonders.com/
That’s all. So very easy.
Terms & Condition
This contest is opened to Malaysian babies 0-3 years old at the time of entry.
Picture should be current or less than 1 year difference from the actual age of baby.
You can post many pictures in one entry but should not compile them together. Please post each picture separately to make judging easy.
Entry must be submitted by a parent, legal guardian or close relatives (can enter for child, sibbling or cousin).
Entry can be in Bahasa Malaysia or English.
Contest starts from 1st to 15th August 2009
By participating, you expressly consent for your particulars and photos to be posted on MomBloggersPlanet.com.
The Grand Prize and First Prize winners will be automatically qualified for the 2009 Cutest Baby of the Planet contest.
MomBloggersPlanet will select the winners
AliceWonders and PhotoBook Malaysia will handle the prizes delivery to Malaysian address for free. Any delivery outside of Malaysia would have to be chargeable.
Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained
Winners will be announced on MomBloggersPlanet.com and also will be contacted via email.
MomBloggersPlanet.com reserves the rights to change, amend, delete or add on to these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to you and shall become effective on such date as determine by us. You agree to be bound by such amendments.
MomBloggersPlanet.com reserves the right to cancel the contest at any stage, if deemed necessary in our opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of our control.
bagusnyer..cute palk tue..pandai posing..huhuu..okies.nak join gaks..
cantiknyer bandangan panda tu..alisha pon nk join gak la
hehehe..saper bagi..masuk jom alisha
good luck to rikazz yek..
Good Luck. Sama-sama bertanding dengan baby saya.
unik btl la nama rikaz ni..
good luck, semoga rikazz menang ok
Skang ni mmg musim contest ek???hehe..good luck..
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