aku ada suka satu gambar tu..jadi aku pun nak join lah daddy dearest contest ni..last minute..harap diterima..
syarat2 nya1. Add Isabelle...frankly in your blogroll@bloglist and become her follower.
2. Write a short entry in your blog about this contest (it could be in Bahasa Melayu or English - up to you) and put up the Daddy's Dearest banner (above).
3. Upload a creative/dramatic photo of the father with son/daughter and explain why do you think your picture is unique.
4. Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.
This blog - http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/This contest - http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/296/mombloggersplanet-contest-i
5. Tell me about your entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.
2. Write a short entry in your blog about this contest (it could be in Bahasa Melayu or English - up to you) and put up the Daddy's Dearest banner (above).
3. Upload a creative/dramatic photo of the father with son/daughter and explain why do you think your picture is unique.
4. Include a link back to this blog and this contest in the entry.
This blog - http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/This contest - http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/296/mombloggersplanet-contest-i
5. Tell me about your entry by leaving a comment here with the link to the entry.
maka gambar yg menjadi pilihanku...
jadi apa lg..vote 4me
rikazz dearie, pegi mana ujung minggu ni???
rikazz ada dirumah..abah rikaz kije
nama penuh abqari - Abd Hadi Abqari..;)tQ for the info n sudi jenguk my blog..
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